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Halloween Tips and Tricks

Fall is here, which means the month of costumes, candy, fall, and spooky movies is upon us. October marks the month of Halloween and here at Southwest Eye Institute in El Paso, TX we know how popular this day is to most of the population and their families in El Paso. Many people partake in dressing up for the special occasion and that can range from colored contacts to eye makeup, to props of all sorts. While this is a fun time of year, it can also be dangerous to your eye health. Dr. Ellman and all of our doctors here at Southwest Eye Institute have provided our patients with some tips and tricks to keep in mind preparing for Halloween.

  • If you are going to wear colored contact lenses make sure you never share them with anyone else and to always use contact solution for disinfecting instead of water
  • Avoid hats and masks that can obscure your vision, this can lead to accidents
  • If you will be applying makeup on your eyes make sure to test it before to avoid any reactions
  • Avoid using props such as spears, swords, knives, etc as they are dangerous especially when dark outside

If you have any further questions on proper eye safety please call us at either of our two locations in east or west El Paso. Both offices are well equipped to answer any of the questions you may have and would be more than happy to see you as a patient.

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